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ARMAGGEDON : The Satanic KommandanturLabel: Self-released / independent
14,90 € (Sold out)
1. The Satanic Kommandantur 03:26
2. Frozen Spectre of Holocaust 04:00 3. Aaron Theory: Solution Injektion (Or the Mengele's Experiement) 03:47 4. DeshumanisaZION 03:46 5. Bunker 666 (Schutzstaffel Crematory) 03:40 6. Kharon, Desecrating the Lambs over the Styx 03:52 7. Arbeit macht frei 04:20 8. Aktion T4 (IG Farben Sturm) 04:17 9. Black Sun Morbid Rites 03:37 10. Untitled 05:53 40:38 Customers who bought this items also bought these: